What is a Supported Resident?
A supported resident in Aged Care (sometimes referred to as concessional residents), has been assessed by Centrelink or DVA as having less in assets &/or income than others, and consequently the Government will contribute even more towards their aged care, therefore saving the resident money.
This is particularly useful for couples who have a home, but only one of them is moving into aged care, & the other remains at home. It means that they will not have to pay anything for their aged care accommodation OR will be required to make a smaller contribution towards their accommodation in aged care instead of paying the full Accommodation payment.
You will need to complete the means tested form (which is a complicated form) & has several tricks & traps for the unwary.
However, you also need to be aware that some aged care facilities will not accept a Supported Resident, & so you may be refused entry to the aged care facility of your choice, alternatively some aged care facilities will only accept supported resident in a shared room, or may have a long waiting list. Therefore, it is extremely important to make sure you check first before sending the means test form in to Centrelink or DVA, that you check to make sure the consequences. Once the form is done, it is not an easy matter to change.
For example, a single person may not have much in assets or income & would be a Supported Resident, but the family are prepared to pay the Lump sum RAD. However, once the means test form is completed, if the single person was assessed as being supported, the chosen aged care facility may not accept them.
We suggest that you check with an Aged Care Specialist first before you submit the means test form, to ensure what you are doing will match your objectives & plans, otherwise you might not get the outcome you want. An initial phone consultation doesn’t cost you anything & there is no obligation. Why not call us (02)8814-7385 , or click here to arrange for one of our specialists to call you.