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Balance Retirement & Aged Care Specialists

Supported/Concessional Residents

With the information provided, the person(s) moving into care would be considered a Supported or Concessional Resident. This means the following:

Aged Care Costs

Fees associated with Supported residents include:

  • The Basic Daily Care Fee –  Currently $63.57 per day which is 85% of the basic pension. The Basic Daily Care Fee is indexed and will change twice a year in line with the pension.
  • A Means Test Fee – As a fully supported residents, you will not pay this fee unless your financial situation changes.
  • Additional Service or Extra Service Fee – This is a daily fee they charge the facility can charge for additional and extra services. You will need to ask the aged care home if they charge this fee and how much it is.

Accommodation Costs

  • You will pay $0 towards your accommodation costs as the government will pay this on your behalf.

As a supported resident this is usually the simpler process when moving into care. If you are close to the asset thresholds mentioned previously, if you haven’t updated Centrelink, you could potentially be paying more than you need to as you may incorrectly be assessed as partially supported.

For Couples that own a home, if one member of a couple is moving into care and the partner potentially may move in the not-too-distant future. Then speaking to a financial expert before the first person moves in could help save money and help find the best option for the couple. Once the second person moves in then all the costs will increase for the first person and the second person’s costs will be more expensive than the first person in care.

To find out for certain if you or a loved one will be considered a Supported Resident, Call Balance on 1300 556 287 or complete our Contact Form.