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Balance Retirement & Aged Care Specialists

Which option works best for us?

It depends on what you want, & also what is a priority for you in your set of circumstances.

E.g. Let’s say in your list of objectives for an aged care facility you want;

  1. Single room
  2. Own ensuite
  3. Within 5km of your home/family
  4. Dementia Specific
  5. Will accept a supported resident

However, the facility you like the most ticks all your boxes, but doesn’t have a single room, you can have shared room with one other person. Now you are getting down to prioritising your objectives. If a single room is not negotiable, then the next best facility might be 10km away.

Alternatively, the facility that you think will be best for Mum, will not accept a Supported resident, & you are happy to pay the Accommodation payment for Mum, then this may involve completing the Means Tested form a different way, & if you have already completed it & sent it in – oops too late, then you might not get that facility for Mum.

In the hurry that most people must find a facility, they tend to overlook these kinds of issues, which is why the expertise of an experienced aged care planner, will be able to help you find which mix of options works best for you.

Try calling Balance Retirement & Aged Care Specialists on 1300 556 287 and speak to a specialist, who can show you which options works best for you.