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Benefits of funding options in Retirement Villages

News, Retirement Village Planning | 24th March 2022

Many Retirement Villages are now offering ‘funding options’, allowing you to make a choice of how much you pay for your Accommodation upfront. This is called the Entry Contribution. The Entry Contribution changes the amount you receive back when you decide to leave the Retirement Village. In most cases, it is the sale price less […]

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Why you shouldn’t pay more for Probate

News, Probate | 24th March 2022

Just because the value of your estate is bigger, doesn’t mean it should cost more! When someone dies, the executors of their estate may need to apply for Probate. Probate is the Supreme Court ratifying the will of the deceased is the current and last version of the will. This confirms what are the assets […]

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How do Low Interest Rate Environments Affect Someone moving into Aged Care?

Aged Care Advice, Aged Care Planning, News | 24th March 2022

When someone moves into an Aged Care facility and sells their home to pay the Accommodation Payment as a Refundable Accommodation Payment (RAD, or Lump sum), if they have residual funds left over after paying the RAD, then there may be an impact on: Age Pension and Service Pension The residual funds left over after […]

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March 2022 Changes to Aged Care and Home Care Fees

News | 24th March 2022

Just as Centrelink and the Department of Veterans Affairs index their pensions twice a year, some of the fees charged in residential aged care and home care are also indexed on the same dates (20th March and 20th September each year.). Below are the changes to the fees which are indexed for residential aged care […]

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March 2022 Changes to Centrelink and DVA Pensions

News | 24th March 2022

Centrelink and the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) index their means tested pensions on the 20th March and 20th September each year. The changes to both Centrelink and DVA pensions are as follows: Centrelink (Maximum Pension Entitlement) Singles Couples Illness Separated Couple Was ($ per fortnight) $967.50 $729.30 each $1,458.60 combined $967.50 each $1935.00 combined […]

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Featured Facilities – Riverview at Carrington

Featured, News, Retirement Service Facilities | 26th November 2021

Are you, or someone you know looking to downsize or move into a retirement village? If your answer is ‘Yes’, then the Assisted Living Apartments at Riverview at Carrington may be for you. Situated in the secluded Carrington Estate at Camden, the Riverview Assisted Living Apartments are designed to offer low maintenance, luxury apartments for […]

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Can I Visit My Loved Ones in Aged Care?

Aged Care Services Facilities, Featured, News | 18th October 2021

Since 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has made everybody’s lives difficult in one form or another. It has caused financial strain for some people and taken a toll on other people’s physical and mental wellbeing. Some of those who have been hit the hardest are the residents of Aged Care facilities. For most elderly residents, the […]

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How has the Coronavirius affected Age Care Facilities and it’s Residents?

News | 15th October 2020

This has been the worst time for anyone to enter aged an aged care facility. The Coronavirus is deadly to vulnerable people especially the elderly, those with respiratory ailments, & is highly contagious. Once the virus gets into an aged care facility the consequences have been disastrous. The media has made an example of aged […]

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September 2020 Changes to Centrelink & DVA Pensions and Aged Care Fees

News | 15th October 2020

Changes to Centrelink & DVA Pensions As a consequence of the impact the Coronavirus had on the economy over the last few months on jobs, salaries, inflation & interest rates, this is the first time in living memory that the Age Pension & other pensions have not been indexed. That is the Pension entitlement for […]

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Featured Facilities – St Vincent’s Care Services Heathcote

Aged Care Services Facilities, News | 3rd September 2020

At Balance, we believe it is important that you know some of the facilities that are potential options for aged care for you and your loved ones. Today we feature St Vincent’s Care Services Heathcote. Experience life at St Vincent’s Care Services Heathcote where you can choose what a meaningful life looks like, and be […]

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