How to improve your hearing without a hearing aid
Loss of hearing is just one of the many “joys?” of getting older that affect many of our clients. Deafness can be rather isolating, if you can’t hear what is being said or going on around you, & usually can be one of the reasons that many older people suffer from depression, as they disengage from the world around them, as they lose the ability to communicate.
We recently came across a new option that may help people improve what they can hear, without getting a hearing aid, & you can do it on a mobile phone or Ipad. It is just amazing!
It is App that you can download, & has been quite significant for one of our clients, who found they no longer need to resort to pen & paper when communicating with family & staff in the aged care facility. The App is provided by Petralex®.
Petralex ® is a hearing aid application based on your smartphone or tablet, running same principles as conventional wearable hearing aid. Auto-adjusting to your personalized profile, completely invisible to anyone – use it with ordinary headset!
If you have a relative (whether in aged care or not) who might benefit from the App, why not download it to their mobile phone or Ipad, & give it a go, it just might work, & allow them to re-engage with the world.